
IB Visual Arts

Course Description

This is a two-year course in which a highly motivated student creates a body of work that demonstrates a personal understanding of student as artist.  Students create Visual Arts Journals, in which they document what they read, write, think, and question about their artistic development, including evidence of research and investigation. Art appreciation and history are essential course components. Students are encouraged to further their experiences of art and culture by independently visiting art galleries, museums and workshops, and listening to lectures by visiting artists.  In the second year, students become more self-directed as they develop a personal visual style and work towards a final exhibition. In addition to classwork, students must devote personal time working independently on art research and creating art. IB assessment in this course consists of the student’s final exhibition of works; a comparative study project that analyzes and compares different artworks by different artists, including the student’s own; and a process portfolio that contains evidence of experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities by the student.