Course Selection Form

Students in grade 7 are required to take the following courses:

English 7

Skillz 7

Social Studies 7

Mathematics 7

General Science 7

Health 7

Physical Education 7

Religion 7

Students will also take either Spanish or French, as well as one music requirement: Chorus, Band, or General Music.

Chorus is a singing ensemble, participating in two concerts a year and providing music for school liturgies and community functions. Concert participation in both semesters is a mandatory requirement to pass the course. No previous experience required.

Band (audition required) is a group of instrumental who have had previous experience in an instrumental group and/or who take musical participation seriously and have formed good practicing habits. Please email for an audition appointment. 

General Music includes the study of the rhythmic aspect of music through listening, creating and presenting various examples. Topics covered include rhythmic patterns and notations, ear training, polyrhythms of various cultures, musical paraphrasing, and an overview of instruments. 

Please note: students in band must continue taking lessons at school or through private instruction. School lessons will be scheduled during the school day and will begin on or about October 1.

For more information on class content, download our program of studies by clicking here.


Please indicate your student’s preference below.