Frequently Asked Questions

Does my child have to be Catholic to attend Bishop Ludden?

No, we welcome students of all religious backgrounds.

Do students wear uniforms, and if so, are they mandatory?

Yes, Bishop Ludden students must wear a designated school uniform as well as follow other appearance guidelines identified in the student handbook.

What are the school hours?

School begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:47 p.m. A detailed bell schedule is available for viewing.

Do you have AP and college programs available?

At Bishop Ludden we offer a wide variety of advanced classes in all subject areas. Many advanced classes also offer students the opportunity to earn college credit.

Which grades levels are taught?

Seventh through 12th grade are supported.

How many students attend Bishop Ludden?

On average, 280 students are enrolled at Bishop Ludden.

What is the average class size?

The typical classroom contains less than 20 students.

Do you offer any learning disabled services?

The Resource Program is designed for and restricted to students who are classified Learning Disabled and have a formal IEP (Individual Educational Plan). Students must be capable of learning appropriate grade level concepts within the classroom. The Resource Teacher assists the students in meeting their IEP goals, as well as providing support in academic schoolwork. Classroom teachers work in conjunction with the Resource teacher to provide the best educational setting and methods for each individual student.

Do you follow the state curriculum standards required by the State of New York?

Yes, we follow the same state standards as the public schools.

Is Bishop Ludden an accredited school and are all of the teachers certified?

Our teachers are all licensed through the State of New York in the areas that they teach, and 100 percent of Ludden teachers have advanced degrees.

Is transportation available to and from Bishop Ludden?

Your home school district is responsible for busing your child to Bishop Ludden, as long as you live within 15 miles to Bishop Ludden. It is your responsibility to contact your busing district to make arrangements.

Is financial aid available for students?

Yes, Bishop Ludden supports students through FACTS Management. Applications must be completed in full prior to the deadline in order to be considered for financial help.

Schedule a school tour today to see the Bishop Ludden Junior-High School difference for yourself. Contact Carm Petrera in the Admissions Office at (315)468-2591 ext. 2209
or, with any questions. Personal tours can be held any weekday.